Jack of all trades, master of none. Interest are as varied as time will allow....opinions on everything from politics to religion, child rearing to carpet cleaning. Don't want to hear it, don't read my blogs.
Another beautiful little boy with such a wonderful personality. Little Conner had me in stiches with his expressions and antics....What a little sweetheart he is.
Gavin is on of our little newborns to come visit the studio this month. What a sweet little boy! Only 3 weeks old, but so alert and such a joy to be around. Thank you Mom and Dad for letting me create some special memories of this time for you. He is beautiful!
Wow, it's been a busy month at the studio and I really need to catch up on my blogging. here's a few from a recent Girl's Night Session at the studio. Morgan is such a beautiful young lady and we had such a blast out shooting these. I know in years to come these photos will become something she is proud to show on her walls.
After prom is over, why pack that dress up and hang it in your closet only to give it to Goodwill in a couple of years? Why not go out and have some real fun.....we did!