Jack of all trades, master of none. Interest are as varied as time will allow....opinions on everything from politics to religion, child rearing to carpet cleaning. Don't want to hear it, don't read my blogs.
What a little beauty she is! I know those big brown eyes of hers could just melt your heart. We had so much fun with her in the studio. My sides hurt we laughed so hard. Thank you so much Meri for bringing her in. I hope you enjoy these as much as I did creating them for you.
What a beautiful day they had...with the hurricane looming over the Carolinas threating to dampen the weather, we got lucky and the storm missed the Charlotte area completely and the weather was perfect! They are so perfect for each other and it was wonderful sharing the day with them and meeting their family and friends. Cole and I wish you both, many, many years of happiness!
Tasha and Josh are expecting their little one in just a few more weeks. Their is nothing like a newborn to bring joy and laughter into your life and into your heart. Here are a few of their photos from their time with me in the studio. I love creating these, knowing how more precious they will become to her as the years go by.
Christi and her husband just celebrated their 5th anniversary. He did a wonderful job planning a romantic downtown Charlotte weekend for the two of them and Christi did a marvelous job on creating some memorable photos for him! You're beautiful,Girl. Hope he loved them!